Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Dolls Finished

These are a few of my little dollies that I have been trying to finish. I have quite a few to get done so these are the first for this year. It is m y goal to get them done this year. I don't have any more space to display them, but I will finish them anyway. My house is packed with my babes. but they are fun to look at and enjoy. The little boy up above is a doll that I made a few years ago that reminded me of my grandson, Daniel , as a child. Daniel is 17 now.

This is Flossie. She is an adorable doll in her lavender dress with lots of ribbon embellishment. I absolutely love her expression and her lovely dark eyes.

I made a broken doll into this hat stand. The dolls head was mounted on a wooden stand then I decorated the doll and the stand. I think she turned out quite cute. She is one of two like this. I just couldn't throw this head away because her face is so lovely.

This little ballerina is not my doll, but I dressed her and I think that she is so cute. I hope that her owner will like what I have done with her. I dressed her in my favorite color. The dollmaker said that this doll is supposed to be her as a child so I hope she will be happy to see her.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Just a boring day

Don't have anything to add today, but I will have pics tomorrow. I have been working on completeing some of my unfinished projects this year. I have around 50 unfinished dolls so I thought that trying to complete as many of them as I can. I got 2 done today. I will post pics of them. When Kent passed away I lost my desire to finish them. I don't know why, but that is what happened. I am now tired of looking at them so I thought I had better get to work. So many things changed when I lost him it is hard to explain. Since then I have been trying to reinvent myself and boy it is hard. I continue to work on that part of my life. Just try to keep as busy as possible.